
An essential part of any scientific journey is communicating your findings to other scientists and to the public, sparking into them a tiny bit of the passion and curiosity that inspired you throughout your research.
I have always been fond of visual communication and I believe that a captivating image can speak to a broader audience than just specialists, thus being a powerful medium for the dissemination of scientific concepts. This is why I decided to combine my scientific education with my love for drawing in the creation of unconventional, science-inspired illustrations.
As a molecular biologist, I am fascinated by the mechanisms underlying cell function. As a scientific illustrator, I love to imagine these mechanisms and bring them to life with shapes and colours, aiming to find unconventional ways to communicate biology.
If you want to know more, you can read about me and my work on the Node SciArt profile
To hear about my experience as a science illustrator, watch my talk at Sapienza University (Italian only)
I received a Master's Degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology from Sapienza University of Rome in 2015.
In 2020, I earned a PhD in Medical Sciences at the University of Cambridge, where I worked in the lab of Prof. Greg Hannon, investigating how a class of small RNAs safeguards genome integrity in the fruit fly overy.
I am currently a post-doctoral fellow at EMBL Rome in the lab of Dr. Jamie Hackett, where I am studying non-genetic inheritance in mammals.